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The Basics Of Asphalt Sealcoating

Any time you have a property with an asphalt-coated space, you need to maintain that asphalt in good condition. That means protecting it from damage as best you can. Your asphalt contractor may recommend that you consider sealcoating that asphalt. When you're considering that recommendation, you might wonder if it's really worth the investment or what you can expect from the process. Here are a few things you should know about asphalt sealcoating as you make your decision. 

Sealcoating Extends Asphalt Life

Sealcoating your asphalt will help to extend its usable life. The sealcoating creates a barrier that reduces weather damage, cracking, and even potholes. If there are any surface cracks or flaws, sealcoating will fill those small cracks and restore the smooth, flawless finish. 

This is ideal when you want to minimize your cash outlay on repairs and maintenance. You can often eliminate repairs and maintenance for many years if you simply invest in annual sealcoating.

Sealcoating Can Reduce Winter Maintenance

Applying sealcoating to your asphalt can help you to minimize your winter maintenance needs. Sealcoating can help snow and ice melt faster on your asphalt surfaces, which reduces the need for rock salt and plowing.

Faster snow and ice melt also reduces the risk of water penetrating the asphalt and leading to frost heaves, cracking, and similar problems.

Sealcoating Requires Some Preparation

If you're considering sealcoating, your asphalt maintenance and sealcoating contractor will tell you that there are a few things you need to keep in mind for proper preparation. First, your asphalt should be thoroughly cleaned prior to the application. Remove all dirt, debris, and automotive fluids from the asphalt before you have the sealcoating applied.

Additionally, you should plan your sealcoating application for a day when the temperature is moderate and the weather is clear. Too much moisture or humidity in the air can interfere with the way that the sealcoating cures. Additionally, if the temperature is in the 50s or lower, the sealcoating may not adhere well. 

Finally, you also need to consider how you want your sealcoating applied. It can either be sprayed over the asphalt or poured on and spread out. Your sealcoating contractor can help you choose the best application method for your area to ensure that it's evenly applied.

These are some of the things you need to consider when it comes to sealcoating your asphalt. Talk with a contractor near you today for more information and to protect your asphalt.